Story Stones Writing Prompt July 2024

Do you believe in happily ever afters? When you write do you have the end in mind? Or do you struggle to end things? You’ve got the introduction right. You’ve created the problem or have the verses but you just can’t land the ending?

Let’s start at the very end. It’s a new perspective and for some writers it’s a must. If you’re writing a murder mystery, it’s said you start from the solution and work your way back. Can that work across different genres? Let’s see.

Writing Prompt 1: If you woke up in a perfect home, in a perfect neighbourhood and a perfect job, who would you be? Describe the house. The neighbours. The job. The authentic you.

Now that we’ve created the perfect scenario let’s make some changes. We will be working backwards from here. Think of it as devolving.

Writing Prompt 2: Someone who perfectly fits with you has moved into your perfect home. They get along with your perfect neighbourhood. Who are they? Describe them. Describe how they interact perfectly in the house, with the neighbours, how they interact with the authentic you.

This relationship can be anything. A sibling. A parent. A partner. A roommate. Anyone that compliments this perfect you. But let’s take a step back now. A twist that starts the devolving…

Writing Prompt 3: Think about the difficulty the person had to reach you and your perfect scenario. What was in their way to get to you sooner? Describe that scenario. It could be an event, a person, a thing, etc. How did it make them feel? Did they know they were going into a perfect scenario? Did this expectation make it harder to wait for it? What was the lead up to actually getting there to you? How close was it to not actually happening? What sacrifices were made in order to get to you?

The third part to this prompt would be considered the solution to the problems because keep in mind, they eventually get to the perfect place.

Writing Prompt 4: What if…what if they didn’t get to you. Write another scenario that tries to prevent them from getting to you, but this time, they don’t succeed. They don’t reach you for whatever reason. This time whatever has happened as stopped them. How does it relate to the next scenario? Maybe it doesn’t but it alludes to it? How do they feel not reaching this perfect place? Have they lost anything? What emotions are now building up? What do they need to do to try to get to you again?

Depending on the direction you’re taking this prompt there should be some tension that has been built. We already know that they overcome these scenarios and get to you. You get to have that perfect life. You and that life are this person’s rewards from all these trials and tribulations.

Writing Prompt 5: What was their life like before deciding to come to you? What made them want a change? What made them travel to you? Desire that perfect scenario? Who or what is in their life that makes them want more? It doesn’t have to be tragic but it definitely needs to create a worm on the hook scenario. This person had a life and they’re going to almost lose it. What about their life before makes the life they’ll get so much better?

Now we have the happily ever after. We have the problems that lead us to this ending. The tension that gives the reader pause for concern and then relief when it happens. We’ve given a backstory to the character reaching this end. Now we need to end the prompt with the beginning.

Writing Prompt 6: You go to bed in a perfect home, in a perfect neighbourhood and a perfect job. You are the authentic you. When did you know about the other person? The one who hasn’t arrived yet? When did you become aware? How did the invite happen? What made you invite this person into your perfect world and what did you do to help them get a start to coming? What made you so sure this person would not unravel the world you already have for yourself?

How’d you go?

Feel free to share what you came up with! Interested in joining the Story Stones, a Sydney-based LGBT+ writing group? Drop me a message for more information.

Love my prompts? I’m an independently published author. I am not being paid a salary for these prompts. Donations to complete my goal are welcome:

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