We Are The Story Stones

I imagine even before we were capable of speech we were already telling stories. As a primary teacher, there were many tools we used to invoke the storytellers in each of my students. One of my favourite tools I used that the kids really responded to were Story Stones. We would paint our stories on stones and then jumble them up after they dried and the children would have fun trying to put their friends’ stories in the proper order of their telling. The students would have a great time retelling their story to explain the order.

So here we are…the Story Stones…wanting to write a story. But that doesn’t always come easy. I like to think of us as this machine that needs a touch up here and there or a reboot sort of speak to get our creative juices flowing. We need to polish our Story Stones from time to time. It’s one of the reasons why I’m starting this Online Writer’s Group.

This is a place of inclusion. No judgement. No hate. In fact, you get to control just how often or how much you interact or take part. You can do this all on your own without ever interacting with anyone. My husband, who is an introvert is excited by this, whereas the extrovert/social awkward self is sorta excited over how much I can control.

So my plan is this. For now, it’s going to be every Saturday, I will post up a Story Stones writing task. This is to help us (me) get into a routine. Every Saturday a new task will be put up. Same format. Different styles welcome. When I feel a routine has been established, I will post every other Saturday. See how we go. See if we are diciplined enough. We might need to do some revisiting here and there. Until we get to the final stage, once a month, a writing task, three weeks of writing and sharing (optional of course!) and then another month with another set of skills. This is the plan. This is what I’m going to be doing. I’d love to hear from you and see what stages you’re at and what you are doing too. Use the hashtag #storystones and I’ll check out when I can (or if I’m able) what you might be sharing! You can post your work in a blog, in a video or make a fancy Tik Tok (wonder how well this option will age. Anyone remember Vine?).

Most importantly, what you do, is up to you! This is for you. For me. For we. For us. For it they them. Everyone. All I ask is there’s no hate.

Here we go. Our first one. Let’s make it easy.

Writing Stones Session 1: (2 hours)

We’re going to need a timer for this one. It’s important. We need to free our minds. I don’t know about you but I do a lot of thinking. So for 10 minutes we’re going to unclog our brains. (hopefully). You’ll need writing tools (pens, pencils, notebook, laptop, whatever you use)

10 minutes: Set the timer when you’re ready. Once you start, don’t stop. I want you to forget spelling, grammar and formatting. That’s not important here. For 10 minutes I want you to write whatever it is you’re thinking. We’re always thinking. You might write down the word “nothing” and there might be a lot of repeating at times but that doesn’t matter. No rules. Just 10 minutes of free thinking and free writing.

After the time is done, don’t read it. This is important. You can read it later, but don’t read it now.

40 minutes: Time to get our creative juices flowing. Again no rules. Try and forget spelling and grammar and formatting. Just write. Here’s the task:

1. You are in a room and can’t get out. What does the room look like? Why can’t you get out?
2. You notice a box. What does it look like? How can you open it?
3. Inside the box is something that will help you get out of the room. What is in the box? How does it help you get out of the room.
4. Once you are out of the room, what do you see? Where will you go? Who will you see? If anyone. Who would you want to see that might not be there? If anyone. Why do you see these people? What do they mean to you?
5. If time permits, write about where you would go and why. Would you take any of these people with you? (f any. Would you ever go back to that room? Why or why not? Explore.

10 minutes: Read through what you’ve come up with. Does anything stand out to you? Anything you like you might want to expand on or use elsewhere? A highlighter would come in handy here.

Now that we’ve hopefully gotten our creative juice, use the next hour to work on any projects you’re working on. Use anything you’ve come up with to expand or create something new. But it’s important to keep going with your writing. Even if it’s sharing what you’ve done or what you are going to do!


2 Replies to “We Are The Story Stones”

  1. Good for you for setting this up Michael. I’m not sure if I will participate, as I’m in the middle of editing my book. These prompts and guidelines are clear, easy to follow and motivating.

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